Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Family Capstone Write-Up

I decided to do a blog for my Capstone project because I wanted a place to record all the wonderful things I was learning or re-learning. I have been a converted member of the church my entire life, but studying the Proclamation and the companion talks by prophets and apostles deepened my understanding and testimony of the vital importance of the Family. What a blessing, especially at this time in my life as a full-time mother, to truly come to understand how important my role is. Every section we studied gave me added desire to fulfill my role as wife and mother, in the Lord's way.
In my typical day I do not receive many accolades. No one is there saying, “Way to change those diapers!” Or “Good job keeping your kids alive today!” I believe Heavenly Father inspired me to take this class at this time, so that every day as I studied, I could feel His love for me and know that I was doing exactly what He would have me do...striving to build an Eternal Family!

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