Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Law of Chastity and Sanctity of Life

"We further declare that God has commanded that the sacred powers of procreation are to be employed only between man and woman, lawfully wedded as husband and wife."  (Proclamation)

President Spencer W. Kimball said, "Sexual experiences were never intended by the Lord to be a mere plaything or merely to satisfy passions and lusts."  That is a bold statement that does not fit in line with what the world teaches.  Right now the world says that sexual experiences are to bring gratification to the individual.  As long as it feels good to you, it is appropriate.  In all honesty, I used to think that one of the reasons that we got married is so that you could "righteously" satisfy your own desire for physical stimulation.  Satan wants us to believe that we are entitled to fulfill our own selfish desires.  The truth is there are two purposes for marital intimacy.  As taught by Elder Scott (1994), "One purpose of this private, sacred, intimate experience is to provide the physical bodies for the spirits Father in Heaven wants to experience mortality.  Another reason for these powerful and beautiful feelings of love is to bind husband and wife together in loyalty, fidelity, consideration of each other, and common purpose."  I love that concept of intimacy being the way to bind husband and wife and bring unity to the relationship.  It all comes about through selflessness and each spouse putting the others needs above their own.

Elder Jeffrey R. Holland, as President of BYU in 1989 gave a landmark talk about chastity.  It's long but worth the read or watch.

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